Combining companies and leading research centres, Chemesis promotes partnerships and technology transfers in speciality chemicals in the fields of composite materials and energy. A summary of these multiple synergies.
80 researchers and R&D actors at Chemesis |
A Materials Metallurgy and Processes technological research institute (M2P TRI) |
3 nearby international competitiveness clusters |
International research laboratories
"To stay competitive, we need to be ahead of the market. We must constantly innovate in order to be able to offer our customers new products and new formulae".
Franky Smisaert, Director of Total on Chemesis
From the giants’ research structures on the Seveso platform to the cutting-edge companies at Composite Park, industries seeking innovation benefit from Chemesis's unmatched infrastructure and synergies.
Arkema's Research and Acrylic Processes Centre
At Arkema's Research and Acrylic Processes Centre, the teams develop major innovations in the field of specialty chemicals, including acrylic processes. -
Total's European Centre for Hydrocarbon Resins
Total has established the headquarters and research centre of its subsidiary, Cray Valley Europe, the world leader in hydrocarbon resins, at Chemesis. -
The Technological Research Institutes develop very competitive technological and economic sectors. At Chemesis, Composite Park houses a Materials, Metallurgy, Process (M2P) satellite branch that works on the acceleration of resin transfer mouldings.
"At Composite Park, the M2P TRI relies directly on the results of Arkema's research to design the vehicles of tomorrow thanks to these new light and resistant resins. "
Gilbert Pitance, General Delegate of the “Pôle de Plasturgie de l’Est” (Plastics Processes Centre of the East)
A regional dynamic of innovation
In Lorraine, more than 4,500 scientists are distributed in over 80 laboratories performing public research. This immense scientific potential covers the whole chain of innovation, from basic research to operational experimentation.
- 3 Carnot Institutes encourage partnerships between public laboratories and companies.
- 3 regional competitiveness clusters bring together the regional laboratories of companies in order to develop multiple projects: Materalia, Fibres-Energivie and Hydreos
- 7 research federations bring together regional laboratories around common scientific subjects such as mechanics, materials, energy, and processes.
- Many technological platforms and scientists make available the means and skills of institutions of higher education and laboratories.
Accessible to industry and researchers, these technological facilities allow production testing, engaging in collaborative scientific projects or testing certain procedures in the course of development.
"This proximity between the various research centres and manufacturing units is ideal for germinating the projects of tomorrow. "
Franky Smisaert, Director of Total on Chemesis
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